Social Media Marketing For Fashion Business During COVID

The global pandemic has taken a toll on the economies and every business inside it. To top it off, as the virus continues to spread, there are a lot of government restrictions imposed on trade which is becoming an even greater hardship for brands.

While some of the biggest brands are either bankrupt or have stopped operations, there are some that see demand or opportunity, depending on the industry. Most badly hit industries are tours and travels, fashion retail, airlines, automobile, etc while pharmaceuticals are at a boom.

Girls wearing mask - Social101

Well, if you own a fashion brand, we’d assume that you are facing your own share of misfortune, given the government restrictions on China and it being the biggest manufacturer of fashion.

But the way we, as brands, look at different scenarios can be two-fold. Meaning, you can sure cope up (if not benefit) with this situation while also showing your customers that you care about them and build a loyal community.

Stores in lockdown - Social101

Showing you care; empathy!

One of the basic rules of marketing says, “Customer is the king”, and our brands must ensure that we are there for them in these tough times, empathize with them and also show them the same. Share inspirational music and podcasts to make them feel positive.

Customer is the king - Social101

Get in on the challenges; a fun way to keep them engaged with the brand.

The virus sure has put a pause on the world, but don’t let them come between you and your customers. Find a way to keep them engaged. Get your hands on the trending challenges, do those pillow and blanket dress challenges, create a bingo board for the brand, and get your customers to fill them.

Fashion dress challenge - Social101

Altering the existing products and campaigns; more COVID specific.

Well, marketing is very dynamic. Every campaign that you build is either based on an event, occasion, or product line. Think of ways to mold these existing ones and create something new. Replace those body-fit work dresses with comfy loungewear. It’s a great way to give a zestful touch to your brand.

Showing the process; building trust.

To make your brand stand out in a relatively difficult time like this, you can take time to capture photos and videos of what goes behind the product and how is their product made from scratch, show a sustainable aspect of your brand if you have one. This is sure to improve trust and reliability for your brand.

Making of a dress - Social101

Boosting their morale; dance, music contests & live.

There isn’t anything more fun than dance and music. Host dance challenges, create a brand anthem for your customers and give them something to hum on during this quarantine. Also, try to get famous artists on board and do live with them.

Collaborate with influencers; increase reach.

Influencers play such a major role in shaping the ideologies of people. A brand must utilize this time to increase their visibility and capture a new audience, instead of just building on an existing audience. Think of ways to showcase your brand’s creativity through different influencers. Head over to our blog to understand how influencer marketing is more effective than traditional marketing.

Statistics showing the impact of Influencer Marketing - Social101

Communicate beyond your brand and products; ask questions, INTERACT!

One of the best ways to keep things going smooth is to simply COMMUNICATE. This communication goes beyond your brand and your product. Ask questions about your customers, get to know where your customers are from, simply ask them how they have been coping up with this, understand your customers’ likes and preferences. This is literally the best time that you can get to know them, you might as well use it to it’s fullest.

STOP and use your Social Media for adding community value; educate.

Alright, this last one is really important but not a lot of people might talk about it. Brands should not just be about themselves but also about the community. Don’t show your obsession with your brand, but rather add value to the community.

Educate them on precautions to stay safe during these times, tell them how they can cope up with this stress, sprout a stable and greater mental health.

Stay home - Social101
Wash your hands - Social101

Marketing is a dynamic field; one that has to adapt skilfully to every new event shaping our world. As we find ourselves in the midst of a situation that is pretty much as extraordinary as imagination may go, the nuances that go into marketing a brand will have to alter promptly in order to survive and strive. And social media is the current fad for carrying out marketing activities. Head over to our other blog to see how social media can be used as a growth catalyst. Have a great day!

Effective ways to boost your restaurant marketing.

Have a restaurant that serves awesome food? Great! But guess what? That alone won’t bring more people to your doorstep. You need to bring more power to your brand to gain more customers.

No longer do restaurant owners depend on the word of mouth marketing for  their restaurants. However, considering the vicious competition with a 60% failure rate of the restaurant business, it is vital that you get your marketing strategy not just right but top-hole.

Worried? Don’t be.

Here is the proper guide to make you go from zero to a hundred.

1. Go Social

We are in the era of food porn and social media platforms are buzzing with several pictures of delicacies that make people shed extra money. There are tons of social media platforms out there when it comes to food, Instagram is King, Facebook is Queen and the rest are puns. Having a website for your restaurant business is equivalent to having a food shop serving in every part.

A website opens up opportunities for a much larger market of consumers. The key to going social and gaining profit is posting top-notch food pictures and video clips. If you don’t know where to start, consider hiring a social media expert to give you valuable insight right away.

The Ultimate Guide to Restaurant Online Marketing - SinglePlatform

2.  Don’t leave Email and text promotions

If you’ve been gathering info from comment cards or promotional cards, don’t let that list of email addresses rest. There are two ways to grow your email list; by getting customers to fill forms in-person and by getting them to fill forms online.

I would suggest you pay close attention to the latter because the world is moving rapidly towards digital. Offer monthly 2-for-1 deals if people sign up with you or leave their business card. Target the customers back if they revisit, through email and text promotions.

3.  Collab

In today’s online-driven environment, ease of use is the king of the game. Many online delivery services streamline the ordering process, and people these days often love taking advantage of such delivery services.

Providing special coupons and everyday deals can be the main attraction for food lovers, one such app is Deal box.

Here are some delivery partner services you should consider:

– Zomato

– Swiggy

– Foodpanda

Also, you can partner with local delivery services to grow more.

5 Restaurant Digital Marketing Strategies That Work |

4.  Tap into the power of Food bloggers/ Influencers

One of the greatest marketing strategies today is grasping on the network of other businesses. As a restaurant owner, you can leverage the network of local food bloggers and influencers by connecting with them and getting them to share content related to your restaurant.

If you are new in the restaurant business, this can be the best way to promote it. You can provide them incentives such as free meals to popularize your brand among their connections.

5. Customer Validation

Reviews play an important part in growing your business. So never miss an opportunity to re-share the customer reviews as it will drive you a new customer.

User-generated content is always a great way to develop personal and intimate engagement with users. Host a photo contest by asking customers to share their favorite meal, and share the entries on a dedicated content page which will leave a personal touch.

6. Paid and Unpaid Advertisement

The key difference between social media management and advertising is that social media management and its strategies for digital marketing for restaurants primarily deal with organic growth.

However, with social media advertising, you will have to set aside a designated budget to run ads on Facebook, Instagram, or another platform. Ads can be of different types but target the most efficient and traditional called Geo-Targeted Ads which will get the most value out of your online marketing efforts by investing right.

Geo-targeting ads help you save money, ensuring that only users in certain cities or within a specific radius see your ads (eliminating non-relevant clicks, which can cost you big ad bucks).

Along with ads, you can run several campaigns related to expanding the views.

7.  Show off

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful tools for any business. Social media marketing can put your restaurant in front of thousands of potential customers and can even break you in front of them.

Sharing your delicious dishes and menu can drive more customers as they know what they are paying for. Share beautiful pictures and videos and promote them. Sharing staff details and story will always give a personal touch to customers.

Share your successes and struggles, behind the scenes, workshops and anything else that might interest your customers.

8. Don’t miss out

Never miss out on any opportunity to make customers feel special. Plan festivals, birthday, anniversary coupons so that you be their first choice. Promote or share stalls in exhibitions, events, and promotions going nearby.

This is a lot of tricks and tips to start with. It takes time, organization, planning, patience, exclusive content, and creativity to create a successful marketing strategy. From building the foundation to keep trying different ways to better manage your restaurant, setting up your strategy won’t be a hassle if you follow the steps, tricks and try the resources mentioned above.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

7 Reasons Why Influencer Marketing is more effective than Traditional Marketing

Gone are those days when media coverage was the only way to reach out to the mass audience.

Today, people spend the majority of their time online on different Social Media Platforms. This has resulted in the mushrooming of Influencers on different Social Media Platforms which have given birth to Influencer Marketing.

We at Social 101, as a part of our Influencer Marketing Management Research, have listed down 7 reasons on how Influencer Marketing is giving a tough fight to the conventional media:

Targeted Reach

Influencer marketing campaigns can be used to target audiences from a specific niche. Marketers use many methods to identify the right influencers with the kind of target audience required for any particular brand campaign.

Brands can work with influencers from different categories including Fashion, Lifestyle, Food, Travel, and Technology or can select influencers demographically. Before selecting any Influencer, the brand can also access the demographics and insights from Influencers’ social media account.

Better ROI

Influencer marketing is proven to offer better returns in comparison to conventional outdoor/media advertisements.

Many big companies and startups in India have experienced better ROI from Influencer Marketing over other forms of marketing. There have been reports suggesting cases in which return from Influencer marketing exceeding 10x times.

Check out:

Influencers Impact Purchasing Decision

Influencers are known to be the thought-leaders in their segment which makes their followers look up to them for their buying decisions.

There have been many studies suggesting that more than 40% of people accept the fact that they made a buying decision after seeing a social media influencer. Influencer marketing is known to be highly beneficial in terms of conversions.

Access to Millenials

India has more than 65% of its population under the age of 25, this gives immense power to Instagram Influencers in terms of their outreach.

Most of the millennials religiously engage with their favorite influencer through likes, comments, and participation in contests or giveaways.

Shareability across platforms

It is very common for people to frequently share the content created by their beloved Influencers with their own followers, expanding the reach of the campaign to an even greater audience.

Influencers are experts in creating content that has the power to go viral easily in comparison to conventional media.

Actionable Insights

Influencer marketing campaigns can yield actionable data for brands. From engagement information such as views, likes, comments, and shares, to click-through rate (CTR), acquisitions, social sentiment, and other important KPIs, brands not only have the ability to reach new audiences through influencer marketing, they can learn about the behaviors of their own customer base as well.

Builds Trust

When Influencers post about a company’s product/service, they are essentially using their credibility to build trust among your potential audience.

When an influencer is posting about a brand, it portrays the brand as an industry thought leader because of the social authority of that personality.

Influencer Marketing is the go-to strategy for 2018 if you wish to make your brand go viral at low-cost and time. We can help you manage Influencer Marketing for you, we work with many influencers across India.

Get in touch with us to know more about how Influencer Marketing can do wonders for your brand.